The Graph API granular permissions for managing users

Principle of least privilege

As a best practice, Microsoft recommends to follow the principle of least privilege when requesting permissions for your app.

What are the least privileged permissions to access info about the users and to update the users properties?

You may already know the User.Read, User.ReadWrite, User.Read.All, and User.ReadWrite.All permissions, but recently Microsoft introduced granular permissions that allow you to read and write specific user properties or perform specific operations on users.

Granular user permissions

The following table shows all Graph API permissions that allow you to read and write user properties or perform specific operation on user.

Permission Description
User-ConvertToInternal.ReadWrite.All Allows to convert an external user to internal via the beta/users/{id}/convertExternalToInternalMemberUser endpoint
User-LifeCycleInfo.Read.All Allows to read the employeeLeaveDateTime property
User-LifeCycleInfo.ReadWrite.All Allows to update the employeeLeaveDateTime property. Requires the User.Read.All permission as well.
User-Mail.ReadWrite.All Allows to update the otherMails property
User-PasswordProfile.ReadWrite.All Allows to update the passwordProfile property
User-Phone.ReadWrite.All Allows to update the businessPhones and mobilePhone properties
User.DeleteRestore.All Allows to delete a user, restore a deleted user from the recycle bin, or permanently delete a deleted user from the recycle bin and allows retrieving deleted users via the /directory/deleteditems/microsoft.graph.user endpoint.
User.EnableDisableAccount.All Allows to update the accountEnabled property. Requires the User.Read.All permission as well.
User.Export.All Allows to export an organizational user's data via the /users/{id}/exportPersonalData endpoint
User.Invite.All Allows to create a new invitation or reset the redemption status for a guest user via the /invitations endpoint
User.ManageIdentities.All Allows to update the identities property
User.Read Allows to read all properties of a signed-in user
User.Read.All Allows to read all properties of any user
User.ReadBasic.All Allows to read the displayName, givenName, id, mail, photo, securityIdentifier, surname and userPrincipalName property
User.ReadWrite Allows to update all properties of a signed-in user
User.ReadWrite.All Allows to update all properties of any user and allows to delete users.
User.RevokeSessions.All Allows to invalidate all the refresh tokens issued to applications for any user excluding the guest users via the /users/{id}/revokeSignInSessions and /beta/users/{id}/invalidateAllRefreshTokens endpoints
UserAuthenticationMethod.Read Allows to read authentication methods of signed-in user
UserAuthenticationMethod.Read.All Allows to read authentication methods of all users
UserAuthenticationMethod.ReadWrite Allows to update authentication methods of signed-in user
UserAuthenticationMethod.ReadWrite.All Allows to update authentication methods of all users
CustomSecAttributeAssignment.Read.All Allows to read the customSecurityAttributes property. Requires the User.Read.All permission as well.
CustomSecAttributeAssignment.ReadWrite.All Allows to update the customSecurityAttributes property. Requires the User.Read.All permission as well.
AuditLog.Read.All Allows to read the signInActivity property. Requires the User.Read.All permission as well.


With granular permissions, you can grant your app only the permissions it needs to perform its tasks. This way, you can follow the principle of least privilege and reduce the risk of unauthorized access to your users' data.

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