How to search for messages with mentions

Search for messages

In previous article, I've explained how to use the Microsoft Search API to search for messages.

The Microsoft Search API can be accessed through the /search/query endpoint. You simply send POST request with the body where you specify the type of the resource to be searched and query terms.

    "requests": [
            "entityTypes": [
            "query": {
                "queryString": "vacation"

The search term and any filters are specified in queryString.

Search for messages with @mentions

In previous article I've described how you can work with @mentions and what is supported with the Graph API.

To find all messages where the signed-in user was/wasn't mentioned, use the keyword isMentioned in the query string. Allowed values are either true or false.

    "requests": [
            "entityTypes": [
            "query": {
                "queryString": "isMentioned:true AND received:\"this year\""

Despite the fact that the Graph API supports @mentions only in beta, the searching works fine with v1.0.

If you are using .NET SDK for the Graph API:

var graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(credential);

var requestBody = new QueryPostRequestBody
    Requests = new List<SearchRequest>
        new SearchRequest
            EntityTypes = new List<EntityType?>
            Query = new SearchQuery
                QueryString = "isMentioned:true AND received:\"this year\""

var result = await graphClient.Search.Query.PostAsQueryPostResponseAsync(requestBody);

var hits = result.Value[0].HitsContainers[0].Hits;

foreach (var searchHit in hits)
    Console.WriteLine($"Message id: {searchHit.HitId}");
    if (searchHit.Resource is Message message)
        Console.WriteLine($"Subject: {message.Subject}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Body preview: {message.BodyPreview}");
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