Modify attachments of forwarded message with Graph SDK for C#

Forwarding message

Send forward message

The Graph API allows to directly send a forward message where you can specify either a comment of the body of the message.

Specifying comment:

var body = new Microsoft.Graph.Me.Messages.Item.Forward.ForwardPostRequestBody
    Comment = "Just do it",
    ToRecipients = new List<Recipient>
        new Recipient
            EmailAddress = new EmailAddress
                Address = ""
await graphClient.Me.Messages["{message_id}"].Forward.PostAsync(body);

Specifying message:

var body = new Microsoft.Graph.Me.Messages.Item.Forward.ForwardPostRequestBody
    Message = new Message
        Importance = Importance.High,
        Body = new ItemBody
            ContentType = BodyType.Text,
            Content = "Just do it"
        ToRecipients = new List<Recipient>
            new Recipient
                EmailAddress = new EmailAddress
                    Address = ""
await graphClient.Me.Messages["{message_id}"].Forward.PostAsync(body);

When forward message is sent directly, it's not possible to add or delete an attachment of the forward message.

Create a draft to send forward message later

The Graph API provide an alternative to create a draft of the forward message, and send it later. When a draft is created, we can modify attachments.

Create draft for forward:

var requestBody = new Microsoft.Graph.Me.Messages.Item.CreateForward.CreateForwardPostRequestBody
    Message = new Message
        Importance = Importance.High,
        Body = new ItemBody
            ContentType = BodyType.Text,
            Content = "Just do it"
        ToRecipients = new List<Recipient>
            new Recipient
                EmailAddress = new EmailAddress
                    Address = ""
var result = await graphClient.Me.Messages["{message-id}"].CreateForward.PostAsync(requestBody);

Use message id of the draft to add or delete attachments

Retrieve attachments:

var attachments = await graphClient.Me.Messages["{forward-draft-message-id}"].Attachments.GetAsync();

Add attachment

var fileAttachment = new FileAttachment
    Name = "new attachment",
    ContentBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes("{file_path}"))
await graphClient.Me.Messages["{forward-draft-message-id}"].Attachments.PostAsync(fileAttachment);

Delete attachment

await graphClient.Me.Messages["{forward-draft-message-id}"].Attachments["{attachment-id}"].DeleteAsync();

Send the draft

await graphClient.Me.Messages["{forward-draft-message-id}"].Send.PostAsync();
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